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Defense Industry Shareholders Organisation

“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.” – Albert Einstein


The object of activity of the Defence Industry Shareholders Organisation is the representation, promotion, support and defense of the economic, legal and social interests of its members in relations with public authorities, trade unions and other legal and natural persons, nationally and internationally.

Promoting compliance with legal norms, professional ethics and fair competition within the Romanian defense industry

Promoting and facilitating the permanent dialogue with the management of public authorities with specific attributions in the field of the defense industry in Romania

Development in third markets of specific commercial practices for the benefit of its members, in accordance with the legal provisions

Strengthening the image of the shareholders organisation by improving transparency procedures, combating unfair competition trends, effective communication with the media

Specialized services in areas such as Marketing, Feasibility Studies, Consulting, Computerization, Technology and Redevelopment, Legal Aid, audit

Promoting and defending the interests of members, International Economic Cooperation, Export Growth and Expansion, Creating the Premises for Foreign Capital Investments in this Industry

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